Your Call to Action: Be an African ICT Entrepreneur!

Being your own boss is the best job you can get because what you do and how you do it in your business is all up to you. Interested in starting your own Information and Communications Technology (ICT) business? Then get out of your comfort zone now. People must get out of their job-seeking mode. Are you ready to take Control? Take Charge! Become a Provider for the Knowledge Economy. Become a Wealth Creator in the Digital Revolution!

What should you consider in setting up and growing your ICT business? What ICT business ideas are available and viable? Which ideas are yet unborn? Or what of those that are born online? What strategies should you employ in starting up your ICT company? In particular what are the entrepreneurial fundamentals, capacities and mindsets you must develop for succeeding in IT business? What really is the difference between success and failure? What does it take to create wealth in ICT – to be profitable and sustainable?

The Entrepreneurship Requirement
By taking risks and translating ideas into business results, the entrepreneur contributes positively to economic development of the country. It’s simple. When you are an entrepreneur, you create jobs and wealth. Despite the lack of support and recognition, the economy depends on you. The entrepreneur drives change and promotes innovation in the economy. However, there is a shortage of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship learning. Nigeria is therefore not exploiting its entrepreneurial potential. Entrepreneurship is fundamental to economic development. In order to meet national goals, achieve social inclusion and overall prosperity Nigeria needs more entrepreneurs.

The craze for white-collar jobs certainly does not help. Have the white-collar jobs in the banks, telcos and oil companies reduced the level of poverty in society? How many people can the banks employ? Forget the flashy stuff and focus on substance. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, it’s time for us to wake up to reality – small businesses are the real engines of growth in the economy. Interestingly, entrepreneurship is often considered a less attractive career option. We must discard that mentality. People, Please, Please, listen to the news – Job security is dead, so why don’t you create your own jobs?

Why ICT Entrepreneurship?
In view of the important role ICT plays in all aspects of our personal and business lives, the IT entrepreneur is critical to development. For example, in this era of globalization, ICT entrepreneurship allows countries like Nigeria to become producers and creators in the high value areas of the knowledge economy. ICTs are the infrastructure of the digital global economy. They are what make the global village possible. However, the majority of entrepreneurship learning programs are offered in business and economic institutions and disciplines. ICT entrepreneurial learning is required to address this state of affairs. There must be an entrepreneurship focus on areas that drive change in today’s digital world, particularly ICT.

However, entrepreneurship is not a technical matter. Neither is it just about money. Creating and running a successful requires more than technical expertise and money. Is entrepreneurship a bed of roses? 

Entrepreneurship refers to an individual’s creative and self confident ability to turn ideas into action in a profitable and sustainable manner. Why do some fail while others succeed? It’s important to understand the practical perspectives that last and work, as well as how to address the challenges associated with entrepreneurship in the local and global environment. Entrepreneurship is about reward and wealth creation; it is also about managing risks and challenges. So what are the major mistakes made by tech entrepreneurs? What are the Critical Success Factors of IT entrepreneurship?

Why Africa? Why Nigeria?
There is a global digital revolution but Africa is still largely underserved. We must rise above consumption to production. Nobody is coming from Mars to tap the opportunities for wealth and job creation. Crying will not make underdevelopment go away. The argument is that we cannot grow because we are underdeveloped. 

Entrepreneurship is one of several strategies that must be adopted. The disease of poor leadership ravaging the African continent is no excuse for folding our arms. We say NO to the victim mentality that bows to digital slavemasters! We must refuse to be victims of globalization. And we cannot put our future and hopes on hold until authorities and leaders wake up! Entrepreneurship is an opportunity for the individual to take back some control and make a difference. Entrepreneurship creates wealth while fighting poverty, disease, hunger and other real dangers associated with underdevelopment. Through ICT entrepreneurship it is possible to achieve success by being drivers and not consumers in the global digital economy – the digital Small Giants!

It is necessary to create and promote programs to address issues of experience and lack of self-confidence that stop many from creating and growing their own businesses. Underdevelopment provides challenges that can be turned into opportunities. We cannot continue to suffer from thirst at the river bank. To get real benefit in today’s digital economy we cannot all be job seekers or consumers. There is a need to create and empower a new generation of digital entrepreneurs. ICT is the infrastructure of the digital economy. ICT is not limited by sex or geography. You simply need to be informed about ICT and have the desire and ability to create and grow your business.

We complain daily about the lack of jobs. Interview today, but no jobs, downsizing, massive layoffs, retrenchment are the songs of globalization. Globalization requires entrepreneurs. Are you ready to be a driver or a spectator in the digital revolution? Why are you content being a passenger when you can drive change? Complaining is a baby’s game. I have to laugh when people think criticizing from morning to night will attract sympathy from poverty. Don’t you?

Jide Awe, the Founder/CEO of Jidaw Systems Limited, a leading provider of IT education, consulting, and Internet content services originally published this article on TechTrendsNg as The Essence of Entreprenurship

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