Our IT Training Courses

Professionals in the tech industry are constantly learning new skills and technologies to keep up with the latest trends. Completing focused, formal training can help those who wish to advance or move into a new area of technology. Here, browse popular training courses and programs that are available today.

Formal training can help turn IT professionals into certified DBAs, savvy about systems from Oracle, IBM and Microsoft.

How does a bank update your checking account information instantaneously when you pay a utility bill online? How are you able to track the delivery of a parcel containing your new purchase from an electronics factory in Asia? And, how do online retailers know exactly what items you might be interested in purchasing, based on what you've browsed and bought before?

The answer to all of these questions is: somewhere, a database administrator has done their job.

Database administrators (DBAs for short) tackle challenges like these and other critical functions on a regular basis, placing them among the tech elite in many organizations. The relational database has been a tool of the public and private sectors for decades, but the growth of Internet commerce, social networking and online government-citizen interaction over the last two decades has resulted in an explosion of database growth, activity and expanding functionality.

This explosive growth has had a direct impact on the demand for DBAs. It has also created a subset of data management specialties which all stem from the field of database administration.

It takes an extensive amount of IT training and experience to join the prestigious ranks of database admins. But, the effort can result in a highly-rewarding and fulfilling career path.

Enterprise Solutions
From QuickBooks to Lotus, project management to ERP, pros who enhance their corporate experience with enterprise solutions training might open doors to new career options. Learn more about your enterprise solutions training options here.

Enterprise Resource Planning software (ERP) has its origins in the 1960s, when increasing quantification of manufacturing, especially automotive manufacturing, led to the development of several distinct philosophies for inventory control, scheduling, purchase orders and more. By the 1990s Gartner had coined the term ERP to describe the various software suites designed to monitor and manage all these different manufacturing processes.
Help Desk
Help desk courses qualify IT professionals to support end-users on Microsoft and Apple operating systems, as well as a variety of proprietary products.

A cabinetmaker in business since 1986, Paul Downs expertly handles almost all the tools in his workshop. But in a 2010 New York Times blog post, he admitted there are eight key tools that flummox him: his business computers. To keep his four Macs and four PCs operating smoothly while running up-to-date programs that meet his needs, Downs requires the help of an information technology (IT) support professional.

Microsoft Office
Find out why so many professionals gain official training in Microsoft Office, and learn why mastering the various suite applications can take some of the work out of the workday, here.

You know Microsoft Office is the world's most popular productivity suite, but you might not realize just how dominant the software bundle is--and how an advanced knowledge of Office can help prospective workers land employment or advance an existing career. A May 2011 search of CareerBuilder.com found 27,614 job listings mentioning Microsoft Office or MS Office, with sentences like "An individual should have knowledge of standard Microsoft Office Applications" and "Working knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)" appearing in job postings ranging from Blast Furnace Account Manager to Vice President Knowledge Management/Brand Development.

Microsoft Technical
Microsoft reports that two-thirds of IT managers believe professional certifications improve the level of support and service offered to their customers. Explore how Microsoft technical training can help improve your professional options and prepare you for certification.

Vendor certifications play an important part in the IT world, and Microsoft sets the industry standard. Training to gain proficiency in Microsoft products and technology allows professionals to get up to speed on the essential tools that hiring managers value today. Whether students come to technical training programs after completing a degree program or on their own, Microsoft technical courses offer a valuable service--so valuable, in fact, that the software giant claims its certification reduces downtime by 20 percent and makes teams 28 percent more productive.
Networking and Security
Networking and security training helps professionals combine existing job experience with the certifications necessary to protect company, school and government systems from cyber attacks. Learn more about the training that can prepare professionals for networking and security certs here.

Information assurance (cyber security) continues to be one of the most valued and critical elements of every individual's and organization's digital assets. Currently, our personal information seems to be under constant attack; everything from the photos on our smartphones, to the credit card numbers kept on file by the merchants we buy from, to the income tax and medical records stored by our governments, is all being sought out by criminals looking to capture and exploit this data.
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